Medical Malpractice Investigations

Getting Your Claims to Competent Legal Counsel

Once we have completed our investigation, we prepare comprehensive detailed reports so that attorneys we work with can get the claim to trial in a timely fashion.

Knowledge Is Power

Before a medical malpractice case will be taken on by an attorney, there are essential tasks that we can perform to help present a claim. Through our medical investigation we can help in three critical ways to best present your medical malpractice claim.

Hard-hitting medical malpractice investigators do not just find evidence that a medical error happened. They uncover which medical error happened. Since medical malpractice can happen at any stage of the patient experience, pinning down the exact error can be arduous.

According to the most common medical malpractice investigations revolve around:

  • Misdiagnosis or iatrogenesis resulting in patient death.
  • Surgery or hospitalization resulting in infection or treatment failures.
  • Illegal billing procedures or insurance fraud.
  • Medical errors resulting in disability or other injury.
  • Rejection of care due to patient’s financial instability.
  • Medical negligence in refusing to provide care or providing defective care.
  • Negligent prescription treatments leading to addiction or drug contact.

Some medical malpractice cases become more sinister if investigators discover that healthcare workers subjected patients to reckless disregard, abusive practices or acted with indecent motivation. These acts are considered so far removed from the accepted standard of care that they are no longer medical malpractice, but criminal in nature.

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How We Can Help


Personal Consultation


Cyber Investigation


Digital Forensics




Presentation of Evidence


Expert Witness Testimony