Infidelity Investigation Services

Infidelity Investigations

Worried your wife, husband or partner is cheating on you? Do you suspect your partner may be having an affair right under your nose? Unfortunately, many Florida residents are faced daily with the reality that they may be sharing a bed with a cheating wife or cheating husband. Don’t let yourself become the helpless victim. Hire the professional investigators trained to catch cheaters in the act, giving you the evidence necessary to retake control in your life and relationship!

Jack Stone Investigations has decades of experience performing surveillance and finding the truth. Using the latest in legal surveillance technology, such as GPS trackers, drones and hidden cameras, our investigation techniques are sure to catch any cheater red-handed!

Quick Facts About Cheating

Don’t believe us on how widespread cheating is in Beverly Hills?

Check out some of these facts about infidelity:

  • Between 30 to 60 percent of married individuals in the United States will cheat at least once during their marriage
  • Couples under 30 are becoming more likely to cheat, mostly from more opportunities presenting themselves
  • In most cases, cheating is never even discovered!
  • Cheating with coworkers is happening more often, as spouses spend more time with them than with their partners
  • We can help find hidden dating profiles on sites like Tinder, Plenty of Fish and Ashley Madison.

How We Can Help


Personal Consultation


Cyber Investigation


Digital Forensics




Presentation of Evidence


Expert Witness Testimony